St . francis of assisi s english primary school 凤溪廖润琛纪念学校上午校
Francis of assisi , st 亚西西之圣方济
Francis of assisi 圣法兰西斯
Francis of assisi in the 12th - century , who used them in his church nativity - plays 在12世纪时,颂歌广泛流行,圣法兰西斯用这些颂歌在他的教会上演奏。
It sold for ? 12m in 1990 . the painting was put up for sale by the st francis of assisi foundation in new york state 据悉,珠玳卡岛是由纽约州圣弗朗西斯assisi基金会送拍的。
It will be a pilgrimage in the footsteps of st francis of assisi , prophet and witness of peace 它(前往亚西西祈祷)将是一次朝圣之旅,步武和平的先知与见证者圣方济各?亚西西的芳踪。
Now when they had gone forward a little , the peasant said to st francis : " tell me , art thou brother francis of assisi ? 他们往前走了不久,那个农民对方济各说: “告诉我,您是不是方济各弟兄? ”
Francis of assisi , a saint known for the kindness he showed to all the 1 ) creatures , large and small , that share the 2 ) planet 这位圣徒以他对或大或小共同生活在地球上的生物所表现的善心闻名。
It also brings to mind st . francis of assisi , the roman catholic patron saint of animals , and his special rapport with gods creatures 接着,我又联想到圣方济这位罗马天主教义中动物的守护神,以及他与动物间的密切关系。
This happened in the basilica of st . francis of assisi . here was this beautiful cathedral on these rolling hills . the environment was so peaceful 我们举行一次私人的祈祷会,不同教派的基督徒都聚在一起,就是在圣法兰西斯教堂,这是一幢位于山峦上的美丽大教堂,环境很平静。
Francis of Assisi (born Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone; 1181 October 3, 1226) was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher. He founded the men's Franciscan Order, the women’s Order of St.